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Pathway Program

Introducing the Pathway Program at La Roche University!

Beginning Fall 2020 La Roche University is introducing a Pathway Program to allow undergraduate international students who would like to study in the US, but do not have the required English proficiency, to take English as a Second Language courses (ESL) (possibly for credit) while also taking academic courses that will count as credits toward their degree.

There are two levels of the pathway program offered: a 2-semester pathway and a 1-semester pathway. Based upon scores obtained from either the IELTS, TOEFL, or Duolingo English tests students will be sorted into the appropriate pathway track as illustrated by the below chart:

TrackTOEFLIETSDuolingoUniversity Credits
Direct Admit79 and over6.5 overall band120 and higher12-18 undergraduate course credits
1 Semester Pathway60-786.0 overall band110-11512 Pathway course credits,
6 undergraduate course credits
2 Semester Pathway46-595.5 overall band95-1050 Pathway course credits, 3-6 undergraduate course credits
ESL45 and lower5.0 and lower 90 and lower0

If students have not taken any of these tests, they will be required to take the Duolingo test and receive a score.

Please contact for more information on how you can take the Duolingo test for free!

SAT and ACT scores are not required, but could also be used to determine direct admission as well.

La Roche University is also still offering English as a Second Language courses for those undergraduate students who do not have the minimum language proficiency to be in the Pathway Program. At this time La Roche only offers an undergraduate Pathway Program, however graduate applicants who do not have the required scores for direct admission can still test into our 3-level ESL Program before beginning their master’s degree.

Please visit our Cost and Fees page for more information on the tuition for the Pathway Program.